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A Singular Mission Field
There are more single people in America than ever—and they need the church as much as ever.
The Life of Mary, with Margaret Feinberg
A small group study focusing on the courage and faith of Mary.
Help! My Small Group Has Been Hijacked!
Four common ways your small group gets derailed and how to respond
What is a Church Worth?
Are you undervaluing the impact your church is having on the local community?
4 Ways to Prevent Unintentional Gossip
Take care when telling other people’s stories
Is Your Calling too Small?
It should be more than a job title
Don't Lose the Wonder
How I rediscovered the splendor of being God's own.
How to Make the Most of Your Travel Budget
4 savvy tips to save money on your next ministry trip
Church Website Essentials: Part II
Help your church embrace more of the web's opportunities.
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